Selasa, 08 Maret 2011


Present Perfect
1. Mr. Harris has taught Enghlish at this school for five years.
2. I have written three or four letters to that company.
3. The student in the class have done those two lesson already.
4. I have knew Professor Moore for more than twelve years.
5. Richard has took three course in Enghlish at this school.
6. Those steps are dangerous. I have fell on them several times.
7. Mr. Kramer have been in the United States for three years.
8. The janitor has already shut to the back door.
9. The students have read all of the stories in that book.
10. Marjorie has chosssen ad pretty dress in the party.
11. I have spoke to my boss about the problem several times.
12. Tat tree has grown at least five feet since last year.
13. Miss King has spent over eighteen hundred dollar since May.
14. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have bought a new house in the North Plains.
15. The real estate agent have sold the Smith’s old house.
16. Charles has had a bad cold for a whole week.
17. I’m sorry, I have forgot for that name book.
18. We have already heard that new song several times.
19. Mr. Wilson insn’t here. He has gone out of town for the weekend.
20. Mr. Kennedy has wore his blue suit to the office only twice.
21. I have sat in this same seat since the first day of classes.
22. The money in isn’t in this drawer. Someone have stolen it!
23. Up to now, I have understood every lesson in the book.
24. We have had absolutely no trouble with our car so far.
25. No one have found that’s girls purse and gloves yet.
26. The weather have been very warm ever since last Thursday.
27. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Brown have had lunch already.
28. I have seen the EmpireState Building hundreds of times.
29. We have already spoke to the director and has given him the messages.
30. Grandmother has never flown in an airplane before.
31. You have tore your shirt! There’s a hole in the left sleeve.
32. I have already read the costumer’s letter and have written a reply for him.

50 Irregular Verbs
Infinitive  Past Tense  Past Participle = Makna

1. abide  abode  abode = tinggal
2. arise  arose  arose = muncul
3. awake  awoke/awaked  awoke/awaked = membangunkan
4. be  was, were  been = ada
5. bear  bore  borne, born = menderita
6. beat  beat  beaten = memukul
7. become  became  become = menjadi
8. befall  befell  befallen = menimpa
9. begin  began  begun = memulai
10. behold  beheld  beheld = melihat
11. bend  bent  bent = membengkok
12. bereave  bereft  bereft = merampas
13. beseech  besought  besought = memohon
14. betake  betook  betaken = pergi
15. bid  bade  bidden = mengundang, memohon
16. bind  bound  bound = mengikat
17. bide  bode  bidden = menawarkan
18. blow  blew  blowen = menghembus
19. break  broke - broken = mematahkan, memecahkan
20. breed  bred  bred = memelihra
21. build  built  built = membangun
22. bring  brought  brought = membawa
23. burn  burnt  burnt = membakar
24. buy  bought  bought = membeli
25. catch  caught  caught = menangkap
26. come  came  come = datang
27. dig  dug  dug = menggali
28. do  did  done = berbuat
29. draw  drew  drawn = menggambar
30. drink  drank  drunk = minum
31. drive  drove  driven = mengendarai
32. eat  ate  eaten = makan
33. fall  fell  fallen = jatuh, turun
34. feel  felt  felt = merasa, merasakan
35. find  foud  found = mendapat
36. fly  flew  flown = menerbangkan
37. forget  forgot  forgotten = lupa, melupakan
38. get  got  got = mendapatkan
39. give  gave  given = memberi
40. go  went  gone = pergi
41. know  knew  known = mengetahu, mengerti
42. meet  met  met = bertemu
43. make  made  made = membuat
44. pay  paid  paid = membayar
45. redo  redid  redone = memperbaiki ulang
46. sleep  slept  slept = tidur
47. tell  told  told = menceritakan, memberitahukan
48. win  won  won = memenangkan
49. wring  wrung  wrung = memulai
50. write  wrote  written = menulis

30 Things In My Desk
1. Pencil = Pensil
2. Pen = Pulpen
3. Eraser = Penghapus
4. Coloring pencil = Pensil warna
5. Stabillo = Stabilo
6. Dictionary = Kamus
7. Laptop = Komputer jinjing
8. Internet modem = Modem internet
9. Calculator = Kalkulator
10. Mouse = Mouse komputer
11. Books = Buku buku
12. Magazine = Majalah
13. Novel = Novel
14. A vas of flowers = Bunga bunga dalam vas
15. Mini lamp = Lampu kecil
16. Handphone = Ponsel / telepon genggam
17. Earphone = Earphone
18. Newspaper = Koran
19. Glue = Lem
20. Scissor = Gunting
21. Small mirror = Cermin kecil
22. Papers = Kertas-kertas
23. Flashdisk = Flashdisk
24. Glass = Gelas
25. Note book = Buku catatan
26. Printer = Printer
27. Purse = Dompet
28. Shavings = Serutan pensil
29. Handclock = Jam tangan
30. Working paper = Makalah

50 Things In The Office
50 Things In The Office

1. Table = Meja
2. Chair = Kursi
3. Computer = Komputer
4. Keyboard = Keyboard
5. Mouse = Mouse
6. Internet modem = Modem internet
7. Printer ink = Tinta printer
8. Printer= Printer
9. Television = Televisi
10. Radio = Radio
11. Music Player = Pemutar musik
12. Magazine = Majalah
13. Newspaper = Koran
14. Cutter = Silet
15. Pen = Pulpen
16. Pencil = Pensil
17. Eraser = Penghapus
18. Map = Peta
19. Telephone = Telepon
20. Faksimile = Mesin fax
21. Bag = Tas
22. Calculator = kalkulator
23. Papers = Kertas kertas
24. Books = Buku buku
25. Flower vase = Vas bunga
26. Wall clock = Jam dinding
27. Photo frame = Bingkai foto
28. Bookcase = Lemari buku
29. Handphone = Ponsel
30. Blanket = Tempat sampah
31. Lamp = Lampu
32. Electric switch = Saklar listrik
33. Table lamp = Lampu meja
34. Mirror = Cermin
35. Curtain = Tirai
36. Pencil case = Kotak pensil
37. Camera = Kamera
38. A glass of water = Segelas air
39. Dispenser = Dispenser
40. Lem : Glue
41. Air Conditioner = Pendingin udara (AC)
42. White board = Papan tulis
43. Marker = Spidol
44. Nameplate = papan nama
45. Ornamental plants = Tanaman hias
46. Door = Pintu
47. Window = Jendela
48. Calender = Kalender
49. Cubicel = Bilik kerja
50. Buku tulis : Writebook

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